1 Introduction to Business Writing & Appearance
In this unit you will learn why clear communication is important-both for you and your company and you will learn about the importance of appearance.
You will also be introduced to the most accepted formats for business Email.
1. Introduction
2. Discussion Questions
3. Email: Introduction and format
4. Exercises on appearance
5. Vocabulary Quiz for the Unit
2 Letters of Reply
In this unit you will learn how to reply to the letters of inquiry sent to you. In addition,
you will do many exercises that will improve your business writing skills, especially the ones related to writing letters of reply.
1. Introduction
2. A Sample letter
3. Discussion Questions
4. Sentence Revision Skills
5. Sentence Combination Skills
6. Writing The Whole Letter of Reply
3 Letters of Reply(complain)
In this unit you will learn how to reply to the letters of inquiry sent to you. In addition,
you will do many exercises that will improve your business writing skills, especially the ones related to writing letters of reply.

1. Introduction
2. A Sample Letter
3. Discussion Questions
4. Sentence Revision Skills
5. Sentence Combination Skills
6. Writing out the Whole Letter of Complaint
4 Review & Exercises:
First of all, the teacher will review the important parts of the previous classes by providing exercises and activities in relation to lesson 1 to lesson
3. After the reviewing, students will bring in emails from their work and have group discussion on these emails.
In this class, students can also bring in any questions related to their job function.
5 Letters of inquiry
In this unit you will learn how to request information from others. In addition,
you will do various related exercises to strengthen your writing skills
1. Introduction
2. A Sample Letter
3. Discussion Questions
4. Sentence Revision Skills
5. Sentence Combination Skills
6. Introduction to Editing and Revising Letters
7. Writing out the Whole Letter of Inquiry
6 Letter of Reminder
In this unit you will learn how to remind people to send you the information you had requested from them but have not received.
As in previous units, you will also do several writing exercises that will improve your general writing skills.

1. Introduction
2. A Sample Letter
3. Discussion Questions
4. Sentence Revision Skills
5. Sentence Combination Skills
6. Writing out the Whole Letter of Reminder
7 Letters of Appreciation
In this unit you will learn how to write thank-you letter. In addition,
you will do various exercises that will help you improve your writing skills, especially those related to writing thank-you letter
1. Introduction
2. A Sample Letter
3. Discussion Questions
4. Sentences Revision Skills
5. Sentence Combination Skills
6. Writing out the Whole Letter of Appreciation
8Review & Exercises
First of all, the teacher will review the important parts of the previous classes by providing exercises and activities in relation to lesson 5 to lesson 7.
After the reviewing, students will bring in emails from their work and have group discussion on these emails.
1 商務寫作和簡介 在本單元中,您將了解為什麼清晰的溝通對您和您的公司都很重要,並且您將了解儀表的重要性。 您還將了解最受接受的商業電子郵件格式。 一、簡介
2. 討論問題
3. 電子郵件:簡介及格式
4. 外觀練習
5. 單元詞彙測驗
2 回信 在本單元中,您將學習如何回覆寄給您的詢問信。 此外,您將進行許多練習來提升您的商務寫作技巧,尤其是與撰寫回覆信相關的技巧。 一、簡介
2. 一封範本信
3. 討論問題
4. 句子修改技巧
5. 句子組合技巧
6. 寫完整的回覆信
3 回覆信(投訴) 在本單元中,您將學習如何回覆投訴信。 此外,您將進行各種練習,幫助您提升寫作技巧,尤其是回覆投訴信相關的技巧。 一、簡介
2. 一封範本信
3. 討論問題
4. 句子修改技巧
5. 句子組合技巧
6. 寫出整封投訴信
4 複習與練習:
5 詢問信 在本單元中,您將學習如何向他人索取資訊。 此外,您還將進行各種相關練習來加強您的寫作技巧 1. 簡介
2. 一封範本信
3. 討論問題
4. 句子修改技巧
5. 句子組合技巧
6. 編輯和修改信件簡介
7. 寫出完整的詢問信
6 提醒信 在本單元中,您將學習如何提醒人們向您發送您要求但尚未收到的資訊。 與之前的單元一樣,您還將進行一些寫作練習,以提高您的一般寫作技能。 一、簡介
2. 一封範本信
3. 討論問題
4. 句子修改技巧
5. 句子組合技巧
6. 寫出整封提醒信
7 感謝信 在本單元中,您將學習如何寫感謝信。 此外,您還將進行各種練習,幫助您提升寫作技巧,特別是與寫感謝信相關的練習 1. 簡介
2. 一封範本信
3. 討論問題
4. 句子修改技巧
5. 句子組合技巧
8 複習與練習