1 簡介:
介紹你自己; 談論你的生活、嗜好和興趣; 交換個人資訊; 問你遇到的其他人主謂一致:英語句子中主謂之間的關係
2 家庭:
描述你的家庭; 談家庭問題、傳統、相似點和個人差異 動詞 to be:使用 is、am、are、was 和 were; 關於你的家庭的簡短寫作練習
3 童年:
4 複習1~3課
5 學校
討論學校生活:最喜歡和最糟糕的科目; 老師和同學; 穿著制服; 公立和私立學校; 課程表; 成績、行為、規則、同儕壓力和陷入麻煩代名詞和占有:屬於你的東西、他或她的東西、我的、我們的和他們的東西之間的區別
6 青年:
探索青少年時期的快樂時光與挑戰:融入社會、受歡迎; 尷尬的時刻; 應對問題和抑鬱、未成年、宵禁; 青少年偶像、八卦和酷; 和學習英語使用文章:a/an 和 the 之間的區別; 例子和練習句子
7 自由時間:
嗜好和興趣; 週末活動; 消磨時間; 冷靜下來; 與朋友和家人共度時光; 建設性利用與浪費時間; 壓力、無聊和放鬆; 線上交友英文常見錯誤:發現使用bored和borough、fun和funny以及動詞play和take時的一些常見錯誤
8 複習5~7課
9 迷你演示
10 關係
與人會面; 熟人、朋友和最好的朋友; 秘密、信任與背叛; 共同利益; 閒逛; 溝通和保持聯繫; 幽默和笑話; 尷尬的人和關係; 並在日記或日記中寫作 帶有比較級的可數和不可數名詞:使用lots、many、more、less 和 less than
11 浪漫
談論浪漫、約會、墜入愛河、浪漫關係、迷戀、情人節、心碎、調情、交友廣告和線上約會,以及吸引異性的因素。 練習使用另一個和另一個
12 金錢
有很多關於金錢的精彩詞彙:賺錢、儲蓄、借貸、投資和支出。 討論消費習慣、貧富、慈善捐款、賭博等等。 only和just這兩個英語中最常用的詞經常被誤用作副詞。 學習如何正確使用它們並練習這些單字的多種方式,可以增加你造英語句子的多樣性
13 複習課10~12
14 購物
探索購物世界,從銷售到二手商品、討價還價、櫥窗購物等等。 使用“如何”來提出問題和給予指示或指示。
15 時尚
什麼是時尚,什麼是時尚,什麼是不時尚; 風格、設計師標籤和品牌; 模特兒、名人和世界上最時尚的地方 了解穿上、脫下以及試穿和試穿之間的區別

Class | Topic | Functions | Grammar |
1 | Introduction: | Introducing yourself; talking about your life, hobbies and interests; exchanging personal information; asking about other people you meet | Subject-Verb Agreement: the relationship between subject and verb in English sentences |
2 | Family: | Describing your family; talking about family issues, heritage, similarities and personal differences | The verb to be: using is, am, are, was and were; a short writing exercise about your family |
3 | Childhood: | Talking about childhood, including favorite childhood memories, games, childhood dreams, your parents, school, and what it was like for you growing up | Comparing the modals could, should and would: discuss the differences in real-life sentences examples |
4 | Review classes 1~3 | ||
5 | School
| Discussing school life: favorite and worst subjects; teachers and classmates; wearing uniforms; public and private school; class schedules; grades, behavior, rules, peer pressure and getting into trouble | Pronouns and possession: the differences between things that belong to you, what’s his or hers, mine, ours and theirs |
6 | Youth: | Explore the fun times and challenges of being a teenager: fitting in, being popular; embarrassing moments; coping with problems and depression, being underage, having a curfew; teen idols, gossip, and being cool; and learning English | Using Articles: the differences between a/an and the; examples and practice sentences |
7 | Free time: | Hobbies and interests; weekend activities; killing time; chilling out; spending time with friends and family; constructive use vs. wasting time; stress, boredom, and relaxation; meeting people online | Common mistakes in English: discover some common mistakes in using bored and boring, fun versus funny, and the verbs play and take |
8 | Review classes 5~7 | ||
9 | Mini Presentation | ||
10 | Relationships | Meeting people; acquaintances, friends, and best friends; secrets, trust and betrayal; common interests; hanging out; communication and keeping in touch; humor and jokes; awkward people and relationships; and writing in a diary or journal | Countable and non-countable nouns with comparatives: using lots, many, more, less and fewer than |
11 | Romance
| Talk about romance, dating, falling in love, romantic relationships, having a crush, Valentine’s Day, being heartbroken, flirting, personals ads and online dating, and what attracts the opposite sex. | Practice using the other and another |
12 | Money | Lots of great vocabulary about money: making it, saving it, lending, borrowing, investing and spending. Discuss spending habits, being rich and poor, donating to charity, gambling, and much more. | Only and just, two of the most commonly used words in English are often misused as adverbs. Learn how to use them correctly and practice the many ways these words can increase your variety in making English sentences |
13 | Review classes10~12 | ||
14 | Shopping | Discover the world of shopping, from sales to second-hand merchandise, bargaining, window shopping, and more. | Using how to in asking questions and giving directions or instructions. |
15 | Fashion | What fashion is, what’s fashionable and not; style, designer labels and brands; model, famous people, and the most fashionable places in the world | Learn about the differences between putting things on, taking them off, and trying things on and out |