Myren So
- 國籍:
- 菲律賓籍
- 學歷:
- 亞利桑那州立大學
- 年資:
- 15年
- 證照:
桃園家教一對一英文老師Myren 經歷
我是來自紐約布魯克林的 ESL 教練。 我在菲律賓出生、長大、接受教育。 在世界某些地方旅行和生活的經驗讓我增長了知識、樂觀和快樂。
我擔任 ESL 教師多年,擁有在不同課堂環境(個人、小組、課堂和線上)中進行教學的經驗。 我擁有亞利桑那州立大學的英語學士學位和 TESOL 證書。 我也是紐約州教育部 TESOL 認證的職業學校教師。 對我來說,教英文不僅是一項有回報的工作,更是我身為老師和我的學生的一段旅程。
The University of the State of New York / Bureau of Proprietary School Supervision / TESOL Certification
●Arizona StateUniversity / Teaching English to Speakers of Other / Languages(TESOL)
●English Language Instructor, RemoteSeptember 2009 – Present
●Bo-ai Elementary School, ENL TeacherMay 2019- January 2021100 Qianfeng Road, Tainan City, Taiwan (ROC)
●Green international Technical College, ESL Teacher cumAcademic Affairs AssistantFebruary 2014 – April 2019Iloilo City, Philippines
●Skyedu, BS Global, English Second Language Instructor cum Admin.AssistantApril 2011 – October 2013
●Online English LanguageInstructor/Trainer
●Global EduTown, Manila Philippines / September 2010 – December 2011
●ESL Instructor/ Group Leader/ AccentTrainer / Moohan Tutorial ServicesInc.
Amigo Terrace Hotel (Branch), Iloilo City,Philippines
June 2004 – December2009
桃園家教一對一英文老師Myren 介紹
• Strong attention to detail
• Strong instructional and classroommanagement
• goaloriented
• passionate and optimistic about teaching
• Positive studentengagement
• Culturallysensitive
• Test methodknowledge
• Enthusiastic andself-motivated
• Strong interpersonalrelationship
• Extensive grammar and speech communicationknowledge
Readung, listening to music, jogging