






現在式時態Present Time I.
Simple present & present progressive
名詞及代名詞Nouns and Pronouns I.
Plural forms of nouns & personal pronouns
可數/不可數名詞及冠詞 I.
Count/noncount Nouns and Articles A vs. an & nouns that can be count or noncount
現在式時態Present Time II.
Frequency adverbs & non-action verbs
名詞及代名詞Nouns and Pronouns II.
Possessive nouns & forms of other
可數/不可數名詞及冠詞 II.
Count/noncount Nouns and Articles
Using units of measure & capitalization
寫作練習Writing Practice寫作練習Writing Practice寫作練習Writing Practice
過去式時態 Past Time I.
Expressing past time & forms of the simple past
語助詞 Modal Auxiliaries I.
The forms of modal auxiliaries & Expressing advice: had better
形容詞子句Adjective Clauses I.
Using who, whom and that in adjective clauses
過去式時態 Past Time II.
The simple past & the past progressive
語助詞 Modal Auxiliaries II.
Expressing necessity & stating preference
形容詞子句Adjective Clauses II.
Using which, that and whose in adjective clauses
未來式時態 Future Time I.
Expressing future time & forms of the future time
連接詞Connecting Ideas I.
Connecting ideas with and, but, or and so
Gerunds and Infinitives I.
Verb/preposition + gerund
未來式時態 Future Time II.
Expressing the future in time clauses and if-clauses
連接詞Connecting Ideas II.
Using auxiliary verbs after but and and
Gerunds and Infinitives II.
Using by and with & using infinitives
完成式 Present/Past Perfect I.
Forms and meanings of the present perfect
比較級Comparisons I.
Making comparison with as…as & modifying comparatives
名詞子句 Noun Clauses I.
Introduction & noun clauses that begin with if or whether
完成式 Present/Past Perfect II.
Present progressive & past perfect
比較級Comparisons II.
Unclear comparisons & using superlatives
名詞子句 Noun Clauses II.
noun clauses that begin with that
& common reporting verbs
問句Asking Questions I.
Yes/no questions & Where, why, when…
被動態 The Passive I.
Active/passive sentences & passive modal auxiliaries
假設語氣 Conditional Forms I.
Conditional sentence type I & II:
Real conditional & unreal conditional
問句Asking Questions II.
Using how & tag questions
被動態 The Passive II.
Using past participles & using be supposed to
假設語氣 Conditional Forms II.
Conditional sentence type III:
Past conditional