

中級生活會話班-進階6 / 任課老師




國籍: 加拿大 中文: 簡單 年資: 25年 學歷: 加拿大康科迪亞大學 / TESL證照 經驗: 具備多年企業外派班教學經驗,熟悉產業脈動。 特色: 旅居台灣多年,注重互動和實際應用,讓學生更快地掌握語言。

大衛美語美語教師-Nikki Pencak

Nikki Pencak

國籍: 美國 中文: None 年資: 16年 學歷: 威斯敏斯特學院/英語文學學士 經驗: 專業ESL老師,精通多種教學方法,對教育充滿熱情 特色: 專精商務應用英文,TESOL 或 IELTS 考試

Maisie Wright

國籍: 英國 中文: None 年資: 3年 學歷: 西英格蘭大學 / 語言文學士 經驗: 專職線上英語老師,熟悉雅思程度的閱讀、寫作、聽力和口語測驗。 特色: 熱衷於學習和幫助他人,喜歡挑戰新事物。

中級生活會話班-進階6 / 主要內容【一】

1.時尚|了解穿上、脫下和試穿之間的差異。什麼是時尚,什麼是時尚; 風格、設計師標籤和品牌; 模特兒、名人和世界上最時尚的地方。

2個人|發現使用 same as 和 like 之間的區別,並練習造幾個句子。


4.意見|了解單字形式並練習使用它們。學習多種表達方式,表達您對各種主題的看法:電影、雜誌、有趣的事物、您的工作、文化等等。 討論事實和觀點之間的差異

Topic / Grammar / Functions
Learn about the difference between things on, taking them off, and trying things on an out.
What fashion is, what’s fashionable and not; style, designer labels and brands; models, famous people, and the most fashionable places in the world.
Discover the difference between using the same as and like, and practice making a few sentences.

Learn how to describe people, from body types to features such as facial characteristics and hairstyles.

Practice describing yourself and others, and discuss things such as tattoos, body piercings, going bald, dying your hair, and more

Holidays and festivals
Learn about “measure words” used to quantify common non-count nouns.
Discuss both western and Taiwanese holidays: favorite holidays, customs and traditions, holiday foods, games, and more.
Learn about word forms and practice using them.
Learn many ways for saying so so and great, expressing your opinions on a variety of topics: movies, magazines, funny things, your job, culture, and more. Discuss the differences between facts and opinions

中級生活會話班-進階6 / 主要內容【二】

5. 情緒|練習使用最高級來比較事物:什麼是好的,什麼是更好的,什麼是最好的。談情緒和感受:什麼讓你生氣、難過、興奮; 您如何處理情緒、壓力和焦慮; 並擁有一副撲克臉。

6. 方向|進出和開/關之間的差異適用於交通。許多用於給出和獲取指示的精彩單字和短語。 探索並討論穿越新地方、迷路、走捷徑、地標等的樂趣。

7. 睡眠|睡眠和休息,無論是名詞或動詞,在英語中都有很多重要的用途。 進行一些一起和單獨使用它們的練習。我們每天都會做的事情是學習有關睡眠和臥室環境的有用詞彙。 談論夢想和噩夢、夜貓子或早起的人、咖啡因和夢遊。

8. 疾病與健康|了解健康與健康以及飲食之間的差異。這是關於我們都非常熟悉的生活另一個方面的寶貴一課:感冒、流感、季節性過敏、健康食品以及可以做的保持健康的事情。

Topic / Grammar / Functions
Practice comparing things using superlatives: what’s good, what’s better, and the best.
Talk about emotions and feelings: what makes you angry, sad, excited; how you deal with emotions, stress and anxiety; and having a good poker face.
The difference between in/out and on/off as they apply to transportation.
Many great words and phrases for giving and getting directions. Explore and discuss the fun of navigating through new places, getting lost, taking shortcuts, landmarks and more.
Sleep and rest, both nouns and verbs, have many great uses in English. Get some practice using them together and separately.
Something we all do every day, learn useful vocabulary about sleep and your bedroom environment. Talk about dreams and nightmares, being a night owl or morning person, caffeine and sleepwalking.
Sickness and Health

Learn about the difference between healthy and healthful and eating and drinking.

A valuable lesson on another facet of life we’re all very familiar with: getting a cold, the flu, seasonal allergies, healthful foods, and things you can do to be healthy.